“Expand to the next level”
Studio Helper has helped to expand our Music Education company to the next level. We are able to easily manage invoicing, student/parent info and expenses to make for an easier experience at our reporting periods. In terms of customer service, Studiohelper is prompt, courteous and reliable with any questions your business may have. Thank you Studio Helper!
Shelley Gittel

“Studio Helper is indispensable.”
“Your web-based management software makes it possible for me to teach and manage a studio of 5 teachers and more than 100 students. It is clear that they understand the unique challenges of managing independent music studios. Thank you, Studio Helper!”
Cynthia Vaughn

“An Incredible asset.”
“Less time consuming and much more accurate.” “I recently started using Studio Helper and just have to say — this program is so cool! It’ll be an incredible asset as my husband and I transition to our larger studio in the next year. Thank you Studio Helper!”
Millie Eben

“Amazed Every Day”
Every day I am more amazed and wonder why it took me so long to find you. It would have saved me SO much time over the years! Thanks for the reply. Happy Holiday to you, and new year too!”