05 Dec
Keep in touch with your students. You could call them your customers, since managing a studio is running a business. But whether you call them customers, or simply your students, there is one important way to make sure you keep in touch with their needs: Always keep in mind that behind that email address, that phone number, that invoice, that payment, is a real person.
Now, this may seem obvious, but there are many times when other concerns get in the way. And those are often exactly the times when you need to remember how to treat your students well.
It is important to be efficient with your time, but don’t sacrifice your students for the sake of “efficiency.” For example, those mass emails you can do in Studio Helper – it might be tempting to toss out the same message to everybody, but should you? Think through what you are saying, and to whom you are saying it. Make an email template that allows you to personalize the message by including each recipient’s name, and then think carefully. Do you really want to send that note about payments to students who have already paid? Do you want to ask for more signups for the recital and include those who have already signed up?
It’s worth a little extra time to think about such communications with students. Above all, it’s important to be consistent in your treatment of them. Using Studio Helper is a big step because