Author: csmusic

by Alyssa Cowell, Catoctin School of Music Are you ready for a new school years’ worth of music making? Here are 5 things you can work on now as the summer winds down! Reevaluate your practice habits! Maybe you had a jam-packed summer full of fun activities and your practice has fallen to the bottom of your to-do list. Maybe you’re considering adding a bunch of new activities...

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by Jamey Mann, Catoctin School of Music One of the most frustrating things I’ve noticed happening over the past few years is parents pulling students from lessons for not practicing. It’s not unusual for students to end lessons due to not practicing. However, when this is a young student between the age of 6 and 10, it is not the child’s fault for not practicing. Parents and...

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by Jamey Mann, Catoctin School of Music What kind of strings to use, how to change strings, and how often to change strings are all necessary things to know for anyone learning to play a stringed instrument. In the stringed instrument world, there are countless number of brands, types, materials, and attachment methods. Many students get overwhelmed by having to buy or change their strings, so they...

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By Alyssa Cowell, Catoctin School of Music Sight-reading is a fundamental tool that all musicians should take the time to develop. It involves interpreting musical notation, understanding the rhythm, tempo, and dynamics, and playing the music fluently. A student’s ability to read music quickly and accurately on the first (or maybe second) try can build confidence and musical versatility. The Benefits of Sight Reading Sight-reading equips musicians to...

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by Brianna Jaeger As musicians, we often get asked the question, “Who is your favorite composer?” And the person asking usually anticipates a response such as, “Beethoven, Bach, Liszt, or Chopin.” I always love the look on people’s faces when I respond with, “Olivier Messiaen, Kaija Saariaho, Viktor Ullmann, or Richard Pressley.” This typically leads to a discussion on modernist theories, avant-garde arts, and new music. I find that...

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