Author: csmusic

By Jamey Mann As a guitar instructor I spend a great deal of time working on my students’ technical development. In order for a student to reach the pinnacle of their ability proper technique is an absolute must. Everything from sitting position to the finger independence of the right and left hands must be scrutinized. With the need for technical excellence in all musical disciplines comes...

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By Wayne Estes   I think one of the fun things about practicing and performing these days is recording yourself. After all of the work you put into a piece it is nice to capture it and have a recording for posterity and to send off to grandma and cousins via an email. And it’s nice to capture yourself during your practice session to listen to yourself...

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By Patrick Fritz Each year, I try to re-read “Nurtured by Love” by Dr. Shinichi Suzuki. Over a decade ago, his short book helped shape the direction of my teaching career… “When love is deep, much can be accomplished.” “Teaching music is not my main purpose. I want to make good citizens. If children hear fine music from the day of their birth and learn to play it,...

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By Kate Powell As musicians and artists, it is important to be philanthropically involved in our immediate community (or global community) and use either our talents or other resources to help those less fortunate around us. Art is a soul language and it is fitting that those who practice it will invest in the “soul food” of the surrounding community. The good karma can only be...

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