Studio Booking Software Articles

by Jennene Estes, The Catoctin School of Music Improvisation is the act of accessing creativity in the moment and under pressure, to resolve or direct the resolution of a situation to meet objectives. It is the ability to converge composition, creativity and execution to achieve success. And the benefits of learning improvisation have been proven in both young people and adults to improve and promote communication, decision making,...

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Every big movement touches every corner of the world eventually, it didn't reach the Soviet Union that fast, but punk certainly found a home in the youth of that place in the late 70s. At the moment there were two choices to go with be disco or be punk. The obvious choice for most young people was punk since there was message that was deeply understood...

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One thing is the origin of a specific genre of music and another is its crowd or audience, which have the big cultural repercussions on their hands, as it happened with rock. There is a need to make this particular difference because there are indeed too many genres of music to remember, there are so many ramifications and small variants at this point that many people...

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There are many different posistions when it comes to technological advancement in music, some praise how far we've come, others reject the modern methods as inferior ways to make music, but there is no denying that computers are a big part in music today in many ways, the question in this article is, can we consider the computer an instrument? Ongoing Debate The debate of whether computers...

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