Studio Booking Software Articles

By Wayne Estes Oftentimes I feel that I’ve gotten bogged down in my own practice with technical studies, reading, scale work and I see my teaching style starting to go in the same direction.  But many of my students aren’t in grad school and studying to become a professional musician, so I must remind myself what they are coming to study with me for.  I can...

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Voice changes are trying for all adolescents; making vocal progress during a voice change is even more frustrating. What can a teacher do to help students who are struggling physically and emotionally through this awkward period? Be Patient. This is advice for all parties involved! Instructors need to be patient when it comes to temporarily changing teaching strategies and technical goals. Students need to be patient while...

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A couple times a year I have an adult student (usually) come to a crisis point in their lessons. Frustrated they always tell me that they think they are not doing well and are even regressing; losing skills and knowledge where they used to be strong. This is something that happens to all students regardless of age or skill level. It is important to let students...

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This is about the time of year that the local Middle and High schools hold auditions for the big spring musical. Every year, there are students who are nervously considering auditioning for the first time, and have no idea what to expect. While every director has their particular way of auditioning prospective students, there are definitely some audition practices that can ensure a better audition....

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