Studio Booking Software Articles

It’s springtime and summer is right around the corner. Time to pack up your instruments and head out to summer camps and vacations. Here are some tips to make sure your instrument arrives safely and in pristine performance condition: Flying tips: The rules relaxed a smidge in the spring of 2015 and you can carry-on small instruments like flutes and clarinets, maybe even a trumpet sized case...

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Choosing a Better Recital Song Recital season is looming on the horizon, and it’s time to make song selections! In the name of fairness, I make a point to give students the opportunity to submit requests for recital songs before we make a final decision. This does not always go the way I would hope – some students need more guidance than “Pick a song you...

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An easy way to spot a guitar player is to look at their fingernails. Many guitarists will have almost no fingernail on the left hand while having perfectly shaped, long and polished fingernails on the right. Although not mandatory for all guitarists, those of us who play classical guitar could not imagine playing without them. Musicians who do not play classical guitar may still have...

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