Studio Booking Software Articles

Last week a promising young student came in for his lesson somewhat down and despondent. A sophomore in high school, we are beginning to talk about his options for college and subjects he may want to study. Naturally, being a talented student I suggested studying music as an option and we discussed several different majors and other possibilities. The student was intrigued so I told...

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Fostering the habits of a successful music major I often meet students who have high hopes of pursuing music on a collegiate level. Sometimes these students are elementary school students just beginning their musical studies, and sometimes they’re in high school and much closer to their college career. No matter what age, there are habits that I believe set a student up for a better chance...

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School is out, so stress levels go down, and schedules lighten….right? Not really. At least, not for teachers that continue to teach in those lazy, hazy days of summer. It can be a unique challenge to maintain student progress when schedules are in flux. Teachers are tasked with planning the curriculum around a long string of vacations and stay-away summer camps, or forsake progress until...

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As a teacher that is constantly explaining to parents and students the importance of daily practice many are surprised when I say to a break. This is not advice I would give to a new student or a student that does not practice enough but only for advanced students that work and are playing hours a day. For this type of student taking short breaks...

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