Studio Booking Software Articles

If you have been experiencing any issues recently with the below list of features, we have addressed and fixed them: Solved a bug with the "Who Should Be Able To Upload Documents" permission settings. Fixed a permissions bug with staff profile viewing permissions. If you have any questions about using Studio Helper, please email

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My college vocal instructor often commented: “The voice is a slow moving instrument.” What he meant was that in terms of development, students are often unaware of the changes that are taking place. I often have students ask me if they’re doing well in voice lessons because they don’t hear the difference between the singing they did at the onset of their lessons and the...

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If you have been experiencing any issues recently with the below list of features, we have addressed and fixed them: Corrected a bug with missing logos and printing statements. Solved a permission issue with Teachers viewing all events on the calendar. Fixed an importing issue from Music Teacher's Helper. If you have any questions about using Studio Helper, please email

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Thank you for allowing us to play a part in making your business run smoothly. If you have been experiencing any issues recently with the below list of features, we have addressed and fixed them: Fixed a bug that sent multiple reminders for events. Added students who do not have events to the studio schedule report. Fixed a file uploading bug. Fixed a calendar event permissions bug. If you have...

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By Patrick Fritz I have a repetition tool that I consistently use with my students. It is simple, small, sturdy, and novel enough that elementary and middle school students are always curious about how it works. But it is not so complex that it derails a lesson. I call it a “bead counter” but the product name is “Golf Abacus.” I keep various sizes and colors...

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