Studio Booking Software Articles

A few weeks ago, I saw the fabulous movie “Whiplash” about a dedicated drummer vying for the praise and attention of his intensely effective yet sometimes abusive college professor. If you haven’t seen this film, make it a priority as soon as you have the opportunity. As a teacher, it stayed on my mind for well over a week. It made me think of a lot of things. The professor in the film is a talented teacher, creating a top student jazz band that would make professionals envious. But his methods are ethically questionable. He uses embarrassing details about students to humiliate them in class out of revenge for playing out of tune. He slaps a student to the beat of a metronome when the student is out of time. He even throws a cymbal at the poor kid when he doesn’t get the beat “just right.” It’s pretty hard to watch at times.

And though I of course disagree with his abusive behavior, there is one thing he says

piano ribbonIt’s a New Year, and maybe you have students at your studio who are ready to start fresh and get into a consistent practice routine. Or maybe, YOU are hoping to light a fire underneath your students in anticipation of spring recitals, competitions, festivals or masterclasses.

Performances alone may be enough to motivate some students; for other kids, the reality of blundering through a piece in front of a group of people doesn’t phase them, and they’ll continue forward with lackluster practice habits.