Studio Booking Software Articles

Ok- I am a BIG fan of Nancy and Randall Faber’s piano method books already, so when I saw they came up with a series for kiddies under 6, I was so excited. I’ve had students in this age group for a few years, and I have always used LITTLE MOZARTS by Alfred’s. It was OK. But just OK. That is a tough age group to teach if you don’t have the right equipment, and I’m pretty stoked that I finally do.

The Faber’s have taken their talent for composition and have created a series that includes a CD of top-quality productions of all the songs in the book. It sounds like a good Children’s music CD you would buy anywhere, but it just so happens to be a learning supplement. This is brilliant. We all know children learn music by singing and listening, so of course it makes sense to make a great CD of music to help them learn. (Why didn’t I think of this??) And the songs are good. Witty and cute, and true to the Faber’s nature, catchy. Unlike some books, the songs are actually enjoyable to play and hear. By playing along with the recordings, the young students become stronger at rhythm and sight reading. I have been using these books with 2 students now, and I am in LOVE.

The lesson book also comes with a writing book. They work in sync with each other, and I find it best to teach the lesson first, then immediately do the writing assignment. It really helps the kids get the concepts down. I can usually get through 2-3 lessons in one 45 minute class.

Because of these books, I no longer dread teaching pre-school age lessons. I totally recommend them.

If you want to see a video of someone playing along to the CD, go here.

By Julia Kossuth As our end of the year recital approaches, a mere two and a half weeks away, it is my goal to maximize the time I have with each student so they are truly prepared for their performances. I've found that with only two recitals a year (Christmas and May) it can be difficult for students to maintain hard work and preparation, as there...

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Creating Digital ProductsBeing a studio owner — a small business owner of any kind, really — is challenging. Your income is not always guaranteed month to month, and there are only so many hours in the day during which you (and your employees, if you have any) can work with students.

It didn’t take long after opening my studio doors back in 2007 to realize this. I had started a blog related to my music therapy and teaching work, so I decided to take it a step further and create a digital product to try selling.

By Patrick Fritz At The Catoctin School of Music, we have a fairly large guitar studio. This means that recitals have to be well organized and run very smoothly to fit all of the students into a given timeframe. The combination of performance nerves and logistical concerns has the potential to make for a stressful experience for students, faculty, and parents. To alleviate some of the...

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summercampThis year I will be offering my third summer camp at my studio. The past two years, my camps have been small. I’ve only opened camp up to current students already taking from my studio — more as an encouragement to keep them learning during the summer months. I would see six students at a time in my group studio at my house, offering 1.5 hour camps throughout the day for students.

This year, I’m going full throttle, offering a half day camp for the entire community. I’m renting a venue, hiring helpers and advertising. I’m nervous, but I’m also super excited. Here are some things I’ve had to spend the last few months thinking through in order to plan my summer camp: