19 Oct
New Features!
New Features!
Studio Helper has been busy! We have rolled out several new features this last week.
They are:
- Add multiple teachers to a task. On the home page you can now assign more than one teacher to a task.
- Added an email address field to the Student Registration Report.
- You can now save and add another in the expenses, expenses categories and vendors.
- There is now an “email parent” link in the event. It is found on the far right of a student’s name and package. Please note, if a student does not have parent info, it will not send.
We hope you enjoy these new features and as always if you have any questions or need help please contact support at support@studiohelper.com or call 1-800-517-2811.
New post: New Features! (http://t.co/RYOGNeSu3G)
Post Edited: New Features! (http://t.co/RYOGNeSu3G)
New Features! Please ReTweet! #studio http://t.co/AfgfadSRWg