While talking with a friend this weekend, I was asked to give my job description. Hmmm… where to start?
We as teachers and business owners not only manage, promote, and create our studios… we fulfill a job description so extensive, anyone would be amazed.
Are you a planner? Then you are the events, lesson, & class schedule coordinator.
Are you a teacher? Then you are probably the one instructing – the main face of your studio.
Are you skilled in math? Well, even if you aren’t, you are probably the billing department.
Are you good with computers? Then you are likely the reason your website is kept up-to-date & people are always impressed with your professional documents.
Are you personable, friendly, and quick to respond to your customer’s and student’s concerns and questions? Then you are the human resources (HR) department.
Are you a person your students can trust, talk with, and relate to while in the studio? Then you are a mentor, a counselor, a friend.
Have you taken years and years of lessons in your field & do you continue to learn every feasible opportunity? Then you are a professional.
The list could continue, but you get the idea. Never underestimate the immense shoes you fill.