
by Alyssa Cowell, Catoctin School of Music   Every once in awhile, a student will ask me a question that seems like it should be easy to answer but isn’t. Recently, I had a young vocalist ask me who my favorite singer is. The follow-up question: “Why are they the best?” got me thinking a little bit more.   The student in question is young, and while it is flattering...

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by Jamey Mann, Catoctin School of Music With all disciplines there are many small/basic items that a student needs to utilize for success. These items are not the glamorous new instrument or sound effect, but the everyday, organizational office items that can make a huge difference in a students’ progress. These items include whole punches, tape, stapler, liquid paper, pencils, folder, sticky notes, etc. However, the most...

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Choosing a Better Recital Song Recital season is looming on the horizon, and it’s time to make song selections! In the name of fairness, I make a point to give students the opportunity to submit requests for recital songs before we make a final decision. This does not always go the way I would hope – some students need more guidance than “Pick a song you...

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By Robert Fisher, Catoctin School of Music How good is your memory? Are you gifted with the ability to see or hear something once and recall forever? For most musicians, even those highly trained and advanced in their specialties, overcoming forgetfulness is a part of the battle we face in daily practice. The search for perfection is elusive, yet most strive to correct mistakes and remember...

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by Jamey Mann, Catoctin School of Music It is too often that clients sign up for music lessons without really understanding what a commitment it is. For a student to be successful the client must be ready to commit time and money to get the full benefit. Those who view music lessons as just another temporary activity, misunderstand the impact music could have in their lives....

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