
by Jamey Mann, The Catoctin School of Music It is usually around the holidays when students start to find their practice schedule getting off track. Holiday travel, events, visiting and many other things start to take over. If not general business around the holiday, then other stressful events in one’s life can make practicing your instrument an overwhelming chore. It is moments like this where student...

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Sometimes signing can be taken to greater heights when for example the term "extended techniques" is used. This refers to inhaling as a method of producing melodies as opposed to just exhaling and just singing the notes. In a way, Extended vocal techniques are advanced ways of singing that began around the 20th century, and it's about exploring the potential of a singer's voice going...

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While most people have been able to overcome the issues that COVID 19 brought to the world, some are not problems that are easily solved, instead most people have found other ways to teach. For music teachers, these last few months have been extremely challenging, even more so when it comes to teaching how to play a new instrument, because not every method of teaching...

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If you chose to study music or just live your life with music as your main goal, chances are you made the choice because you love music, however the question about whether or not it can give you a good job and a stable income, will come from many people around you, yourself included. As a way to ease that little voice in your head telling...

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On one hand, many of us can agree that music is to some extent a universal language, and that there are actually quite a few things that can be said and felt through music even if we can't understand the lyrics sometimes. On the other hand, the language still has some direct consecuences to the structure of a composition and the way it ultimately delivers its...

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