Studio Booking Software Articles

By Alyssa Cowell, Catoctin School of Music As musicians, we understand the importance of expression when it comes to interpreting a piece. As teachers, we want to help our students develop technical skills that will allow him/her to play in a manner that touches an audience. In order to decide what techniques to apply, however, a musician has to have a clear understanding of the message...

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One of the most common pieces of advice when opening a studio, (whether it's yoga, music, dance or martial arts), is to get your studio on Google Maps. This will definitely get you a lot more customers while also providing very useful information about your studio, such as phone numbers, directions, website and ratings. At first glance, listing your studio on Google Maps means that you are...

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By Patrick Fritz, Catoctin School of Music Each year, I try to re-read “Nurtured by Love” by Dr. Shin'ichi Suzuki. Over a decade ago, his short book helped shape the direction of my teaching career… “When love is deep, much can be accomplished.” “Teaching music is not my main purpose. I want to make good citizens. If children hear fine music from the day of their birth and...

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It's obvious that these days most people spend a good amount of time on social media for many different reasons. This makes it a perfect digital environment to promote your studio and interact with people on a daily basis without a tremendous amount of effort. When we talk about social media, we're talking about facebook, instagram, twitter and maybe even youtube (should we mention TikTok as well?). The...

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So you love yoga, and while you are experienced in what you do, building a business is a whole other story that comes with mistakes and a few mishaps. There can be a lot of pressure building your own yoga studio from nothing while still learning how to successfully solve all the problems that come with that responsibility. Sometimes knowing what to do, helps. Other times it's...

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