Studio Booking Software Articles

As young musicians, our tendency for practicing is to pick up our instrument and just go, essentially just hoping for the best. There is some progress you’ll see over a long period of that style of practicing but, ultimately, it is just shy of a waste of time. When you put a little time into organizing your practice session and understanding what you want to achieve, you’ll get more done...

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When you go to a music store, there is a feeling of endless posibilities and as if you are were you belong as a musician. Of course it also depends on which store you find yourself in, but in many cases, it's not just about selling products, it's more about a community, where musicians can find a place to find instruments, fix them, broaden their...

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It's very well known that young children many times have big dreams, including becoming great successful musicians like their idols, and as teachers, the idea has to be always to get them closer to the dream as long as it's alive, because sometimes, their goals change. Still that is their choice, to decide whether or not they love it as they get closer, and avoid...

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There are many ways to share the love for music, some choose to see it as hobby, others as a full time job, but there are cases in a musician's life where they live to practice various ways to live from music, and it's interesting to see how someone as a teacher goes from cultivating young minds to becoming legends in the history of music. While...

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Musical instruments go through different process of constructions, whether it is because of the nature of the instrument itself or the particular process of wood instruments like violins, guitars and more, in which the manufacturer does the work, this involves different types of wood and processes Violin Builder Terry Borman, a professional luthier shared his opinion on the business of making violins today by saying: Makers are...

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