Studio Booking Software Articles

When everyone thinks of Christmas, there is a song that always starts in their heads, a song that has been adapted worldwide and has become part of the Christmas spirit, this is "Jingle Bells". It's interesting to think that this composition has been able to stay alive for so many years, every year it comes as if it's tradition in the whole world to sing or...

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It is known that music has the power to send different messages and express many human emotions but it's uncommon to really go deep into which emotions, how and why these emotions are carried by the sounds of music, in this case it's interesting to think about one of the strongest feelings of people, hope. The Line If we think of music as a line,...

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It’s that “most wonderful time” once again – and if your studio is anything like mine, you’ve been eyeing that stack of Christmas song books for the last few weeks wondering when the right time to start Christmas music. Here are a few ideas for incorporating Christmas songs into your lesson time to initiate thoughtful discussion with your students. Christmas songs are a great time to explore what it means to...

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In music there is a lot of structure and melodies, all of these fall into place thanks to the tempo set for the piece.This not only gives order and structure to the overall sound, it also sets the tone for what is trying to be expressed, for example, sadness is usually slow, happiness is fast, and angry is somwhere in between. There are different categories of...

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