Studio Booking Software Articles

So, the school year is starting again, and it is a perfect time for we music teachers to remind students and parents of our goals for this upcoming year. To have another successful and artistic year with music lessons we need a bit of planning, forecasting and development to help guide us through. Ask your student about their home practice area and supplies.  What do they...

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  When the last school year started, I tried something I hadn't done before. I started prepping kids for the winter holiday recital in September. They thought I was crazy, but I knew it had to be a good idea! Some of you might be reading this thinking, "Duh! I do this every year!" But not everyone is hip to this idea. The reasons why it's so great...

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Every once in awhile, a student will ask me a question that seems like it should be easy to answer but isn’t. Recently, I had a young vocalist ask me who my favorite singer is. The follow-up question: “Why are they the best?” got me thinking a little bit more. The student in question is young, and while it is flattering to think that she considers...

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An inevitable part of being a musician is performance anxiety. From accomplished performers and teachers to beginning students we all experience it to some degree. Even those who say they do not deal with it still have a physiological reaction when performing. It is important to have techniques ready to teach students how to deal with the anxiety they are experiencing. One of the first things...

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