Studio Booking Software Articles

  Are music colleges preparing you for the real world with a marketable degree? An article by Bill Zuckerman outlines a few characteristics that need to be changed or revitalized in music programs around the country. “Make Entrepreneur Initiative courses a Core Requirement over Super Advanced Music Theory Classes” While the fundamentals of music theory are necessary for the success for a great musician, I would...

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    With a new year approaching, you can be sure that children and adults everywhere will be holding on to shiny new musical instruments and guess what? They're going to need a teacher! If you don't teach, but you've been playing for a while, you might want to consider starting a lesson studio of your own. Here are some tips I've learned over the last 12...

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  The Toronto Symphony Orchestra recently debuted their comprehensive listening guides. The guides – colorful charts with pill-shaped reductions of beloved symphonic themes – seek to aid both the musical novice and musical expert. The stated purpose of these guides is to help listeners understand the most basic elements of each composition and see the way those elements are realized by the composer. Each guide includes...

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