Studio Booking Software Articles

By Jennene Estes With the summer season upon us, it becomes routine for families to reschedule their child’s music lesson, often, from week to week. Don’t get me wrong, this is no indictment of families going on vacation. This is for the student that, no matter which season they find themselves in, are constantly swinging from one day to the other. So go enjoy your cruise...

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Parental involvement is something I insist on for all my students regardless of age or ability. Older students in middle or high school may only need a reminder from parents to practice or for them to provide an audience during the week between lessons. Although the need for parental involvement may not be as in important with older students, I believe in 100% parental involvement...

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I really enjoy our recital season here at The Catoctin School of Music.  It is a joy filled time where the parents, faculty and students get to hear and see what progress we have made over the last six months. The most fun part is watching the brand new students come in each recital season. Whether they are super young or adult learners, they are all...

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Summer SunJune is almost here, and if you’re like me, you’re excited about the warmer weather but also filled with a bit of dread…

Because the summer months mean that those nice, consistent checks rolling in at the first of each month for piano lessons begin to dwindle.  Students are busy traveling, enjoying time at home and outdoors, and they are ready for a break!