Studio Booking Software Articles

Studio Helper hopes everyone will have a blessed holiday and a prosperous New Year! To allow the employees time to spend with their family and friends for Christmas, the support department will be closed on 12-25. You may still email in or call and leave a voicemail and all will be answered on the 26th when support personnel return. For voicemails, please be sure to leave...

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When a new student starts with me, and they display a bit of natural ability, I get excited. I think, this is going to be fun. It will be really easy to teach them. And sometimes that is true. But sometimes I get a student who is naturally talented and lazy. And they never seem to really progress. Or their progress takes way...

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By Kate Powell Every once in awhile you get the opportunity as a musician to substitute for another musician: sometimes it’s a well known community orchestra or a spot in the Kennedy Center pit. What’s important is making the most of these opportunities and leaving the door open for such opportunities again. Below is a list of key things to remember when you are called upon...

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imagesDecember in the studio can be a stressful time for your students. They are likely busy at home, and some may have end of the semester commitments such as choir/drama performances or school finals. With so much going on, this can be a nice time to take it a bit easier on your students and boost their morale by having some holiday fun. Here are a few suggestions for planning holiday parties/activities at the studio:

In an effort to bring you the best studio management program, Studio Helper has released two more new features! Navigation Link Now Available in Calendar Event! There is now a navigation link in edit mode within a recurring calendar event.While in Edit mode, you will now see "Go To Other Events" on the left hand side with a drop down of dates for that particular event. Here...

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