Giving Thanks to Your Customers

“Gratitude is the best attitude.” ~Author Unknown

The holiday season is a time for giving thanks. Do your customers really know how much you appreciate their business? What do you do to express your gratitude? In order to develop good customer service and build your brand, recognizing your clients for their loyalty goes a long way. Most businesses have some kind of special event, sale or special recognition for their customers. We, as studio business owners, are no different. When I first considered this, I asked myself the question and thought that I wasn’t doing much, but after some reflection, realized that I already do quite a bit – not to say that I can’t do more! There is always room for improvement!

Here are some ideas (please share your ideas in the comments below!):

  • Each December, I send out holiday cards along with a studio newsletter that includes a list of student accomplishments. In the past, I have taken group pictures of the kids at a recent recital and made photo greeting cards.
  • Recognize and remember birthdays! Music Teachers Helper and Studio Helper are capable of sending automatic birthday emails, but be sure to note the birthdays in your own calendar along with student age so you can wish your student a Happy Birthday when you see them – this is especially important to kids and makes them feel special that you remembered.
  • I hold a Piano Pizza Party in the spring for students and their parents. This is a fun gathering where the kids get to perform in preparation for the spring recital. Following their performances, everyone enjoys games, prizes and pizza.
  • One of my colleagues holds a Parent Appreciation Night where only the parents come to her house for light refreshments and conversation.
  • Say Thank You – everyone is busy these days. It may seem silly, but thank your students for performing in a recital or event. Let them know you appreciate their participation and that they chose to spend their time with you!
  • Send personal hand-written notes of congratulations to students who have made good progress, reached a milestone, or had a breakthrough in their study. Send a note of thanks to parents for their support and encouragement.
  • Award customer loyalty. I schedule lessons in the fall based on seniority; i.e., students studying with me the longest get first choice of day and time.
  • Provide long-time customers with a surprise one-time special service for free or reduced rate. for example, offer families that have been with you for over 10 years one free summer lesson.
  • Create a Wall of Fame in your studio using pictures of your students.
  • Create an Honor Roll on Twitter or Facebook for student accomplishments, big or small (just be sure to have the parents sign a media release form).

Even though it is a busy time of year and can get very overwhelming, your clients deserve to know that you value them. After all, where would you be without them? Never take anything for granted!

“Gratitude is the music of the heart, when its chords are swept by the breeze of kindness.”
~ Author Unknown

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