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by Jamey Mann, Catoctin School of Music It is too often that clients sign up for music lessons without really understanding what a commitment it is. For a student to be successful the client must be ready to commit time and money to get the full benefit. Those who view music lessons as just another temporary activity, misunderstand the impact music could have in their lives....

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By Patrick Fritz, Catoctin School of Music Each year, I try to re-read “Nurtured by Love” by Dr. Shin'ichi Suzuki. Over a decade ago, his short book helped shape the direction of my teaching career… “When love is deep, much can be accomplished.” “Teaching music is not my main purpose. I want to make good citizens. If children hear fine music from the day of their birth and...

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This year has been tough for everyone, and many musicians have made the most of the time during lockdown to reflect about their lives and the state of the world today. This has led to many interesting creations, but many of them focus on the things we are living today, and becoming so self conscious can be a little exhausting, that's why there is a...

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It goes without saying that children often need to be encouraged to discover the world and learn new things, this sometimes means that parents and teachers may feel in the need of forcing them to do things they don't want to do in order for them to learn valuable lessons, but when is this the right thing to do odo So why are so many children...

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It's very well known that young children many times have big dreams, including becoming great successful musicians like their idols, and as teachers, the idea has to be always to get them closer to the dream as long as it's alive, because sometimes, their goals change. Still that is their choice, to decide whether or not they love it as they get closer, and avoid...

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