How’s Your New Year So Far?
How has your New Year been as we wrap up January 2018? Are your New Year’s resolutions still going strong?
- Have you changed your eating?
- Are you getting more exercise in?
- Are you practicing your instrument more?
Or are you thinking, “Oh wait… I did have resolutions. What are those again?”
No problem.
We at Studio Helper are here for you, and we’re going to more forward together.
So far, for me, one of the most helpful habits I’ve done is to do what’s called a 100 Day Gong. If you’re like me, you’re imagining someone banging a gong like crazy for 100 days. Um, no…
A Gong is a Chinese Taoist tradition — it’s a set amount of days one devotes to a particular task. It is a promise to one’s self to stay focused and on path towards a designated goal. Here’s a good article on it.
So, for example, you could choose something simple like — practicing an instrument 20 minutes a day, taking a 30 minute walk, doing 20 minutes of writing for a book you’ve always wanted to write — and you do what you choose for those 100 days without fail.
Why 100 days?
Well, because science shows us that it takes about 90 days for any habit to get wired in your brain. You can read a great article on How Long Does it Actually Take to Form a New Habit? (Backed by Science)
You can start anytime, there’s no magic in starting on January 1st in the New Year. (Whew!) But, the trick is, that if you miss even one day, you must start over from day one. So, if you get to day 92, and miss… start over. You’ll find out real quick how committed you are to taking some area of your life to the next level.
If you’re just starting, choose something relatively easy. Maybe 1 or 2 tasks that you can do without fail in about 20-30 minutes. I tried putting on 8 or so of the top things I had wanted to try. Bad idea — I didn’t make it far. Life happens, and you get busy, or sick sometimes. It’s ok if it’s an easier list. Don’t worry, you can add one from the list to the next gong after you get through this one.
Oh, and the payoff is… you get results.
When I did this for exercise, I found myself in the best shape I’ve ever been in. Plus there’s a psychological boost of being committed to the process. Imagine what you’d like to finally make headway in, and go for it.
Good luck. I hope that helps.
Let me know if you’re going to try something for 100 days — my email is
Rock Robbins
Marketing Director