Thoughts as Music Teachers

Thoughts as Music Teachers

By Julia Kossuth

This month, I’ve asked a few of our teachers to comment on what they love the most about teaching. As teachers, we do far more than just instruct kids about the various facets of music, but also love the one-on-one interaction and relationships we get to build with each child.

category119One of the most rewarding parts of teaching music is being a part of the moment in a child’s life where they find their passion for music. It is is a joy to see when a student pushes through the practicing or theory and is able to find joy in music appreciation.

-Stephen Gordon
The thing I love about teaching piano lessons is the relationship I build with the kids through the years. I am glad to see them develop as musicians of course, but being a part of their growth as people is what keeps me going. I am honored that the parents trust me enough to give me that opportunity.
-Karen Sholander
My favorite thing about teaching piano lessons is the closeness I get to develop with each child. While I love to see the musical advancements, especially after they struggle to master a musical element, the best moments are the times my students make me laugh, the times I can make them laugh, and the times they open up and tell me what is going on in their lives (credit monette). It is truly fulfilling to talk with a student about problems in their lives and offer them encouragement.
-Julia Kossuth
All of the teachers at the Studios of Sarah Strout love the interaction we get to have with each of our students, and and that we get to interact with them in an atmosphere of music.
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