The Power of Your Event Schedule

The Power of Your Event Schedule

When potential and curreclassnt customers visit your studio website, they should be able to tell that you are an active studio with plenty of events designed to motivate and inspire.

When students are working towards events, they are motivated to practice, listen and focus, making for a group that progresses well and is easier to work with.

When potential clients see everything going on at your studio, they want to be a part of it!

Does this mean you have to hold monthly recitals? Absolutely not. It does mean that you should consider a variety of activities and events to hold regularly that will attract new customers while motivating the current. Here are some suggestions:

1-mentoring opportunities: Schedule a mentoring session with a more experienced dancer, musician, etc.

2-service opportunities: Schedule informal performances or music classes at nursing homes or facilities that work with children with disabilities.

3-special workshops: Bring in someone from your community to hold a special workshop outside of lessons on a topic such as composition or performance tips.

4-recordings: If you have the equipment — or connections with someone who does — let your students make a CD or DVD of a few pieces in their repertoire near the holiday season to give to friends and family as a gift.

5-group classes: Hold a special class that incorporates many students. Play games, let each student perform a short selection for the class and provide snacks for everyone.

6-masterclasses: Bring in another teacher or professor to do a private masterclass with students.

7-competitions: Seek out opportunities for students who wish to compete and be evaluated.

8-recitals: The old “go-to” but still a good one!  Change things up by doing themed recitals, such as recitals featuring all ensemble music, or Halloween recitals where students dress up in their costumes and play “spooky” music (think: In the Hall of the Mountain King)

What about you? Any events you have held at your studio that have been wildly popular?



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