Studio Booking Software Articles

By Wayne Estes I must admit I like technology and I love using it to support each student’s learning & growth. It can give teachers an edge in lessons and it can keep things current and savvy while keeping an eye on the perfection of each student’s craft. Here at our studios/CSM we leverage all sorts of technologies to bring new and exciting ideas to each...

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When potential and curreclassnt customers visit your studio website, they should be able to tell that you are an active studio with plenty of events designed to motivate and inspire.

When students are working towards events, they are motivated to practice, listen and focus, making for a group that progresses well and is easier to work with.

When potential clients see everything going on at your studio, they want to be a part of it!

Due to the large number of votes on tracking teacher pay, Studio Helper just rolled out the new "Rate" tab. This tab is found in the profile view of teachers. Here the studio will be able to set the teacher pay rate by hour, percentage or flat fee. Teachers can view this in their profile and admin is able to view and edit. To find the tab,...

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“Give a person a fish, and he/she will eat for a day. Teach a person to fish and he/she will be satisfied for a lifetime.”

In my last blog, Igniting the Spark, I wrote about my goals for the year – empowering students to take responsibility for their own learning. Since then, I have experienced an amazing paradigm shift and as a result, am truly enjoying my teaching. I have always enjoyed teaching, but am easily frustrated when students arrive at lessons unprepared or “check out” in the lesson! The shift this year has been a conscious effort to give students the tools for independent learning, talking less and demonstrating more, and holding them accountable for each week’s assignments. I am feeling much more relaxed and students are working a lot harder, with less stress on my part. I have focused on three main areas:

By Alyssa Cowell Every October I look forward to watching scary movies with my family – the campier the better. As any fan of horror films can attest to, a film’s soundtrack does a lot to build tension, forewarn the audience of danger, and generally adds to the more entertaining aspects of the movie experience. So, for this month’s blog I thought it would be fun...

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