yoga Tag

So you love yoga, and while you are experienced in what you do, building a business is a whole other story that comes with mistakes and a few mishaps. There can be a lot of pressure building your own yoga studio from nothing while still learning how to successfully solve all the problems that come with that responsibility. Sometimes knowing what to do, helps. Other times it's...

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Being a studio manager can be a very complicated task, there is much to do and lots of problems to be solved. Seeking the role of studio manager can be intimidating, but once you know how to organize yourself and have a good plan laid out, there is no need to worry that much. First of all, it's important to know what a studio manager does and...

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It’s 2021 and new year’s resolutions are upon us, this means that a lot of people are going to get inspired into getting yoga lessons. Due to the amount of people that will be interested there is also the need for a more stable, succesful studio. There are a few tips out there that can change the state af any studio from a big mess to a...

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