Studio Booking Software Articles

This week, we launched an exciting new feature on Studio Helper that's been requested many times by our customers: the ability to automatically invoice lessons from the calendar. The studios who will love this feature the most are those who charge on a "per lesson" basis, where students are invoiced a different amount each month depending on how many lessons were scheduled. Studios who charge a...

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Now is the time to take active steps to add students for your teachers. Acting now gives you time to implement solutions based on what responses you get to 'The Four Asks.' What are these mysterious questions? 1. Ask teachers if they want more students. It's possible your teachers would like to expand the number of students they teach. If so, adding time slots to their schedule in...

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As we know well, the transition to summer often interrupts the flow of our studio. There are issues around student/family vacation schedules, vacations for staff. There's even that 'lack of dedication' from students and others that's common when warm whether and outdoor activities sing their siren song. After a year of hard work, it's certainly understandable. Everybody needs a break. Manage Summer To Your Benefit Plan Something: Scheduling...

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As a studio owner, it pays to be "mindful of your business investment." As a teacher & business owner, I always knew when spring arrived; it seemed students, well, were a tiny bit less interested in practicing and more involved in finding things to do outdoors. How can you help teachers manage this issue? Missed lessons and cancellations do, after all, come out of the bottom line....

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Spring Means Performances Giving your students the opportunity to perform is a great way to highlight progress, in addition to getting parents and others out to see what is happening at your studio. This article will touch on ways you might organize the recital as an opportunity to promote your studio, and to encourage and inspire your students. They are, after all, the reason your studio...

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