Studio Booking Software Articles

I have been blogging for a couple years, and I really feel like this is a valuable part of your marketing plan. Blogging does a few great things for your business. It lets current students and potential students who you are. You have a chance to post updates when your studio does something great like a performance or a festival. You can also provide “free” bits of instruction. For example, during black history month, I will post an article about Blues music or if I see a really cool Youtube video on music theory, I will post that. The blog is an extension of my studio. My hope is that current students will go on and read my posts and learn more than I have time to teach them in the studio. For readers who are not yet students, it hopefully gets them thinking that I am the kind of person they would love to study with. 

quitterYou can pick out the family within a few minutes of conversation — the kind who tells you they’re looking to “give piano/violin/dance/etc. a try”. They don’t give the impression of being overly-committed, and within a few months — when repertoire starts to become more challenging or when the exciting “newness” wears off, the student lose interests and asks to quit, which his parents are all to ready to let him do. You cringe when this happens, thinking of the spot he has taken up while students on your wait list have likely found other teachers in the meantime.

UPDATE: The former status is now fixed! You will now be able to move students to the former status and retain PAST data. Future data will still be deleted when moving to former. The warning will still alert you that all information will be deleted. It reads as: “Moving this student to Former will delete all calendar events, student registration, comments and tasks. (Invoices are retained.) Are...

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SH: Tell us about your studio. Jim Beaver’s School of Music, located in beautiful Hendersonville, NC offers private and group classes for: Classic/Acoustic/Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Piano, Voice, Percussion and Drum Set, Ukulele, Dulcimer, Flute, Recorder, and strings instrument repair and maintenance. SH: What is your experience, and the style you teach? Our studio is staffed with instructors from all walks of musical life, from classically trained academics to weekend warriors. Our...

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By Meridith Johnson As teachers, studio owners and managers and people on planet earth, it seems like there is a constant to-do list.  Seasons change, jobs change, people move and our live seem to be in a constant flux. Our studio has gown greatly in the number of students we’ve had, and we’ve expanded our capacity at our studio to reach to providing in-home lessons.  We have...

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