studio Tag

There have been many music, yoga, dance and martial arts studios reopening these past few months, and while it depends on the country, we are getting closer to a post lockdown era, this means being extra safe. Studios reopening after the worst time of the pandemic does not mean that there is no virus, so there are a few things to consider when getting back to...

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Being a studio manager can be a very complicated task, there is much to do and lots of problems to be solved. Seeking the role of studio manager can be intimidating, but once you know how to organize yourself and have a good plan laid out, there is no need to worry that much. First of all, it's important to know what a studio manager does and...

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Every great studio needs a good policy, and it's not just about more paperwork, a good studio policy is about good communication. This will help your students be well informed about what you offer in your studio and can be expected from it. A good studio policy will also help you avoid some issues when it comes to managing your studio. It will help things be...

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