Studio Booking Software Articles

In the last of this three-part series, I will review ideas from Marienne Uszler’s book, That’s a Good Question…How to Teach by Asking Questions. To begin, start by examining your own teaching either by audio or video recording yourself, or by simply taking notes and being aware of how you interact with students by asking questions. Do you do all of the talking? Do you allow time for the student to answer? Do you listen to the student’s answer? What types of questions do you employ, closed or open?

Last week I took an online training course to become a certified teacher of a new music program at my studio.  A great deal of time was spent on marketing, and teachers from all over weighed in and gave fantastic, orginal ideas that have helped them grow their studio effectively.  Here’s a few ideas I learned that I thought were worth sharing as we begin advertising for “back to school” at our studios:

  • Sample Classes-Set up a freebie class at your local library or community center for students to “sample” what you’re offering.  Bring enrollment forms and studio policy, and perhaps consider offering a one-time discount to families who sign up following the sample class.

Summer is almost over, and the Fall season is around the corner. Studio Helper is continuing to improve each month, thanks to your valuable feedback. Here is a list of the Features we released in July, 2012. New Feature: You can now see the email history for messages sent directly from the People List. New Feature: We added Ryal to the currency list. New Feature: To help improve the speed of the...

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Due to moving around a couple of times through the years, I have had to build my studio from the ground up three times. Each time it has been quicker and easier to do so, due to the trial and error of my previous times, and also through a bit of business savvy that has been passed to me through mentors and friends. As teachers or musicians, we know how to do what we are good at – teaching and creating music – but what about the exposure we need to share our passions? You can be the best teacher out there, but if no one knows you exist, you’re still going to be lacking students.

There are a few gems in the online world that have not only taken me from zero to 32 hours of teaching within six months, but have ensured an ongoing online presence and waiting list. I know that a lot of people think that word of mouth is the best form of advertising, and of course, I agree that it is extremely effective. However, in this day and age, everyone uses the internet to search for anything they need, whether it be information, services, or shopping. Why not capitalize on it with the following online marketing tips and watch your studio grow?